In the untold millennia since mankind first tentatively reached toward the countless worlds beyond its own, humanity has discovered a vast and rich universe, but one in which they alone are its only intelligent inhabitants. Left to pursue their own limitless existence, humanity has reached both unimaginable heights and ghastly depths. As empires rise and fall, new factions emerge, only to shatter once again and fall back onto the crucible of war, conflict and adversity. Each reforging stretches the very definition of what it means to be human yet further.
Surrounded by a host of foes, both of its own making and from the forgotten ghosts of mankind’s ancient past, the core of humanity toils onward under the ragged banner of the Novan Commonwealth. Yet even this noble and ancient body groans under the weight of its own corruption, impotence and incompetence. Its many member states and the Great Houses vie with one another for dwindling power and resources, merely hastening the Commonwealths inevitable collapse.
As the fires of war burn on countless worlds and in the voids between, none yet know which of these might spark a conflagration that could usher in humanity’s next great reforging, or perhaps its ultimate destruction.