
3mm Cybershadow – Jaeger War Stalker – Special Weapons

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3mm Cybershadow – Jaeger War Stalker – Special Weapons

22 in stock

22 in stock

SKU CW-001 Category

Product Description

Cybershadows forces use War Stalker light mechs as part of their combat forces.

Each War Stalker can wield equivalent martial capability to a platoon of infantry or medium tanks, and when operating in hunting packs only Leviathan Stalkers can hope to oppose them for concentrated combat potential.

Cybershadows Jaeger War Stalkers are 30mm tall to the cockpit window (they’d be a little taller if they stood up straight).

Each set comes with the following components:

1 x Variant Pose War Stalker Body

1 x Electro-Sword Arm

1x Rotary Cannon

1x Heavy Flamethrower

1x Rocket Launcher

I x Jaeger heads sprue

1 x Jaeger upgrade sprue


  1. This model has a variant pose hull from the main Jaeger set.
  2. Please not the models head recess was not sculpted on this hull so you will need to file flat the back of the chosen head in order to fit it to the model.

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