
Novan Elites – Eagle Dropship

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Novan Elites – Eagle Dropship

14 in stock

14 in stock

Product Description

The Novan Elites make use of many types of aircraft including fighters, bombers, shuttles, heavy landers and dropships, the Eagle is a light class dropship capable of fighting its way past an orbital blockade to deliver a Demi-maniple of Elites infantry to a planetary surface under combat conditions. Heavily armed and armoured for its size this aerospace craft is also a supremely powerful air asset in its own right. The main dorsal turret can be fitted with a variety of different weapon systems, including an accurate and hard-hitting heavy laser cannon, allowing it to engage heavily fortified orbital and surface positions, as well as enabling ground-support “pylon runs” to strike hardened surface targets. Secondary weapons include supplemental wing-mounted laser cannon and air to ground missile clusters. Close in defence and landing zone suppression is provided by automated heavy machine gun turrets. Even a single Eagle dropship is likely to prove to be an incalculably valuable asset to any Elites battle group.

The aircraft dimensions are: 28.3 metres long with a wingspan of 27.6 metres.

This set consists of one resin cast model made up of the follow:

1 x Eagle hull

7 x Eagle component sprues

Model dimensions: Length 92mm nose to rear thrusters, Wing span 90mm, Height 28mm bottom of landing gear to rear stabiliser wing.

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